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Friday, August 26, 2011

World Migration and It's Potential on Real Estate

In 2010, Europe hosts the highest number of international migrants aged 20 to 64: 50.5 million or nearly a third of all international migrants of working age (figure 8)5. They account for 11 per cent of the population of working age in the continent.
Asia, the most populous world region, hosts the second largest number of international migrants of working age: 42 million, which represent 27 per cent of all international migrants aged 20 to 64 and just 1.7 per cent of the population of working age in Asia.
In Northern America, the 39.3 million international migrants of working age present in 2010 account for nearly 19 per cent of the working age population in the region. As long established countries of immigration, Canada and the United States of America are major magnets for international migrants. Thus, whereas in 2010 their combined populations of working age account for just 5.4 per cent of the world total, they have 26 per cent of all international migrants of working age.
In 2010, 72 per cent of all international migrants are aged 20 to 64. Globally, 154 million international migrants out of a total of 214 million are aged 20 to 64.

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